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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Life at Nottingham

There was this photography competition in school a couple of weeks ago. The theme was "Life at Nottingham". Or something like that.

I never thought of joining this competition out of the fear for pressure, until I went to this Charity Carnival, an event held on campus, and caught this picture.

Malaysian Disneyland
I call this picture "Malaysian Disneyland". My prime candidate for the competition.

I caught this picture the day before the deadline, but I needed more time to work on it (they need printed hardcopies of the photos we're submitting, which is a little hard to obtain in a short period of time). In the end, I missed the deadline and didn't participate in what would be my first photography competition ever.

Adrenaline-Aided Bliss
"Adrenaline-Aided Bliss". Second-in-line for the competition.

Ah well. At least I got a couple of pics I like.


  1. no wonder when I went 2 vote i didn't see the
    photos you got

  2. vivien: lol sorry about that and thanks a lot for your support. i'm sure there are better photos there for you to vote on anyway =)


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