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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Klangites! Who is This?

For your info, both my parents are artists, having graduated from Singapore Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and some French university with a French name which pronunciation and spelling I can never be bothered to remember.

Some of their paintings now hang in my house. Some were given away to relatives. Another big portion were sold, a number of them for good prices. Well the others just lay somewhere at my parents' art centre (or at home), collecting dust over the years.

This coming Saturday, NAFA Alumni will be holding an exhibition in Kuala Lumpur. My mother painted a portrait and intents to present it to the person who officiates the opening ceremony.

Guess who that person is. Hint: portrait to be presented pictured below.

The assemblyman
Mum's painting of pastel on wood.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Sights of Singapore: Marina Bay

Been a while since I went that far south. And I have to say, things have changed.

Marina Bay
View of Marina Bay at night.

Some for the better, some for the worse.

Well time changes everything.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Sights of Mount Kinabalu -- Sneak Preview

That's right.Photos from the peak of South East Asia coming soon.

Checking In
Two of my friends enquiring at Kinabalu Park lodge counter before we started our hike to the top of Mount Kinabalu.